Antonio Laurelli

Antonio Laurelli was born in 1943 in Isernia, lives and works in Bari. He has taught at the Art School of Bari. He has numerous exhibitions and awards to his credit, among which, significantly, is the "Carlo Levi".
Its extraordinary symbiosis between color and form, symbolism and communication, enlivens the conceptual scenography of many works, creating an atmosphere of brilliant dynamism and spiritual elevation.

Precise, clear technique, directly linked to his ideas and to the revelation and representation of the "object", our imagination sets out along rather inaccessible paths towards the reconstruction of this object.
A painting that comes from history and tradition; a humanistic and enlightenment culture, certainly contaminated by the machine as it was for the futurists, but without their romantic echoes. A graft with the machine that caused, however, in Laurelli, a disturbing sort of alienation of the object. A crisis of traditional culture that causes the detachment between meaning and thought.
