Antonio Bibbò

Antonio Bibbò, born in Castelvetere (Bn), lived in Bari since 1956. First teacher at the Institute of Art and holder of the chair of figure and modeled ornamentation at the Liceo Artistico then he became Headmaster. He has participated in important exhibitions and various national competitions. He has held personal exhibitions and his intense activity places him among the most fruitful sculptors working in Puglia. Illustrious critics and cultural personalities have written about his work. His works are found in various public buildings, institutions and private collections.

A melancholy artist with a continuous commitment, so much so as to make him one of the most fruitful in Bari. He tells us about his work "I am fascinated by the figure and I am faithful to the Mediterranean tradition of representation. Sculpture starts from painting, drawing and the study of volumes because the three-dimensional dimension involves a complete study. Each work must convey a harmony, given by balance".
